Ask the Expert: Do Women Really Like “The Funny Guy”?


Question:Hi Christine,

I know that women really like it when a guy has a good sense of humor but what does that really mean? I consider myself a funny guy. I have noticed though that sometimes when I’m interacting with women my humour works as an ice-breaker and other times it doesn’t. What do you think I’m doing wrong?


Answer: Dear DM,

Much like you men we, women, truly do love to laugh. If you can make us laugh, you automatically become more attractive to us. Humor is huge and is a key ingredient in the success of long-term relationships.  Really, if you can’t laugh together, forget about it, it’s not going to work – you will only get on each other’s nerves.

When first getting to know a woman, your style of humor needs to show self-esteem and confidence. Even giving yourself a back-handed compliment is great. Be charming and be a bit cheeky.

Do not, under any circumstances use self-deprecating humor. It only causes us to actually see you in that very light. I remember a gentleman joking to a client of mine about his lack of sexual prowess and even though he was just joking,  it was a huge turn-off to her. You could just tell he was somewhat serious and this became the only thing she could think about for the rest of the date. Her desire to kiss him went from an 8 to a zero.

So I repeat, do not cut yourself down in front of us and try to pass it off as a joke”

One of the best ways to express humor is through teasing us. We love it and it makes us feel like you are paying attention to our uniqueness. Winks, nudges, and placing your arm around us while you playfully make fun of our need to read every item on the menu before we can decide are all ways to express humor.

Bottom line. Keep it light and flirtatious. Do not go into the dark side, do not put yourself or her down and make sure you are tasteful in your timing.

To your authenticity,

Love, Christine

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Ask the Expert: Are You A “One Upper”?


Question:Guys seem to be intimidated by me. I’ve had this problem for as long as I can remember. Men really don’t say much around me – either on dates or just meeting them in general. The last guy I dated seemed pretty talkative in the beginning but became more and more quiet. I’m pretty confident and have lots going on so I’m not really sure why this always seems to happen. What do you think? Am I a "one upper" and just don't realize it?

Answer: There could be a chance you are “Trumping Men’s Stories”

When you are first interacting with a guy, you have a tendency to want to impress him. Every story he shares seems like an opportunity for you to relate or share a similar story. Often times though, we end up “trumping men’s stories” rather than truly being interested and it’s a real turn-off.

Here’s an example of what I mean: You invite a guy you are casually dating over to your house for dinner. He goes to the liquor store on his way over to your place and picks up a bottle of red wine. He tells you that he took time to pick it out and says that his friend recommended it. You quickly thank him but you are more interested in saying, “oh, I’ve been to that winery, it’s gorgeous, my ex and I visited it when we were there for a golf tournament, blah, blah, blah.” Rather than acknowledging him for his efforts, you were focused on impressing him.

Here’s another example of what I mean: You are out on a date with a guy and he begins to talk about how he is starting to pick up running. He has barely finished one sentence about it and you launch into how you ran 3 half-marathons last year. I know you are trying to relate to him and innocently show him ‘how much you have in common’ but that’s not the way to do it. Here again, your desire to impress him has actually undermined him and his desire to share himself with you.

If this sounds like you, my suggestion to help you ween off of the trumping is to just become aware of it and the next time you see yourself doing it, stop and ask him a question to snap yourself out of it. Your reward will be a more communicative guy who enjoys sharing with you rather than a guy who slowly starts sharing less and less because he always gets trumped.

To your authenticity,

Love, Christine

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Ask the Expert: How to Play the Field & Should I have "3 on the Go?"



I’ve heard that you’ve mentioned this concept of always having "3 on the go.” I’m not really comfortable with dating more than one guy at a time. Isn’t it basically cheating?

Answer: The reason I recommend that many of my date coaching clients have “3 on the go” is because it really helps you keep perspective.

Allow me to breakdown a typical dating scenario. You meet a guy, you think he’s ‘okay, but you’re “not sure”… Then you continue dating him for months in an effort to “give him a chance” or uncover some lost portion of him that would make him perfect. That’s when you get into the head space that you need to make this work because there might not be other guys out there that are as good as he is, and he’s pretty “okay”. So, you try to overlook things that aren’t working…and so on, and so on.

Meanwhile the reality is that 6 months have flown by and you spent all of that time focused on one ‘kinda, sorta’ relationship prospect. Now if you had 3 on the go, you would have kept perspective and really considered what was and was not working for you with each man.

Don’t worry, I am not suggesting you become intimate with all 3 men! If you decide to take on this approach I recommend that you follow some basic rules of honesty. You will, and should, steal some kisses here and there but you should also openly express that you are casually dating other people. You will naturally gravitate to and spend more time with the guy who you feel best about and at that time you will have a conversation about exclusivity. This generally corresponds with conversations around getting intimate. This effective approach means you are being honest (you are telling the men you are dating that you are dating others), being proactive and keeping your options open until you are truly sure, not kinda-sorta sure.

To your authenticity,

Love, Christine

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Ask the Expert: “I’m Nervous When It Comes To the Approach”


Question:I consider myself a pretty confident guy. I enjoy my career, I take good care of myself and have lots of friends. The problem is I get super nervous around women I’m attracted to. When I get the nerve to approach,  I don’t act like myself at all and I think they are looking at me like I’m a loser. I know I’ve missed a lot of opportunities because of this but I don’t know how to get better at it. Help!

Answer: We build up this inner dialogue on how we are not good at approaching women.

The truth is, it is a learned skill that requires time.

Below are your Three Basic Steps. Follow them and you will start to conquer your fear of approaching women.

Step #1 Passing Eye Contact:

The first thing you need to get under control is comfort when approaching women. You need to get yourself to a point where you can walk up to a woman and start talking to her without turning into an emotional wreck.

If you’re freaked out on the inside, it’s going to be pretty hard for you to act “normal” on the outside. It’s going to be even harder to try new things and use techniques if you aren’t able to relax a little.

Start to face your fear of approaching by simply smiling at women. Not a big teeth smile but more of a smile with your eyes and subtly with your mouth. It’s like a smile that exudes an appreciation for her beauty and nothing more. You can do this as you walk by on the street. It’s refreshing for a woman. You will eventually get yourself to a spot where you will smile AND say “Hi” …but one thing at a time.

Step #2 Passing Eye Contact & “Hi” combo:

Next, try to keep eye contact with a woman while you are smiling and then say “Hi”.

Again, you can do this as you walk by and you are going to commit to doing this A LOT until you beat your fear of women being unapproachable. A couple extra seconds of eye contact when saying “Hi” will do.

Step #3 Say something

Now try the next level. Go someplace like a coffee shop, grocery store or bookstore. At a coffee shop for example, most people need to visit the cream and sugar table. This is where you can have eye contact, then say “Hi”, then take a deep breath and make a comment or ask a question.

Keep it simple, comment about the environment or how much you love your morning coffee. You can do it! Don’t worry about starting a lengthy conversation; you are just wanting to progress from “Hi” and involve a few more words.

If she is responsive, ask her if she lives in the area or if she’s visiting. Ask her what her name is — simple stuff. Men worry about coming across as creepy at this point and as long as you are just being genuine and fun, she will enjoy the interaction while you practice your skills.

With practice, these 3 steps will aid you in overcoming your fear of approaching women. Try it out and let me know how it goes!

To your authenticity,

Love, Christine

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Ask the Expert: Is Online Dating Right For Me?


Question: Dear Christine,


After being in a long term relationship for 2 years and then taking a year to get over the breakup, I’m finally ready to get back out into the dating scene and want to meet someone serious. I’ve heard a lot about online dating, but just not sure if it’s for me? Do online dating sites really work, are there tips you can share for how to ensure success when filtering through the sea of weirdo’s and delinquents? Or are there other dating methods / services you would suggest? Is online dating right for me?

Many Thanks, Online Dating Skeptic

Answer: Dear Online Skeptic,

Despite our aversion, online dating is here to stay. When you’re single, it will serve you better to learn how to be a good and efficient online dater rather than ignoring it and wishing it would just go away. Online Dating is increasing in popularity every year. Experiencing success online is a science though and requires you to develop some new skills. No one goes online and experiences mountains of success right away. It requires a thoughtful strategy that minimizes frustration and increases effectiveness.

Here are a few small tips:

1. To get a really good feel for online dating, I suggest signing up on 3 websites for 90 days. At the end of the 90 days, you are either going to be in a successful relationship or you are going to really know which website works best for you and can drop the sites you aren’t enjoying as much.

2. When you are creating a profile, be honest but keep it short. Be honest about your goals – if you are looking for something serious, don’t shy away from coming right out and saying it in a positive and light way. Too often I see people wanting to be in a long-term, committed relationship but their profile says something like “oh, I’m just looking to meet new people”.

3. Don’t go on about what you ‘don’t’ want, only talk about what you do want and what you have to offer. Don’t write what you think people want to hear. When choosing your photos, don’t have more than 3 or 4 and make sure you include one that is a close-up of your face and one that is a full body shot.

4. When you are interacting with people online, follow your instincts. Let your creep-o-meter guide your decisions. Don’t feel bad about jumping to conclusions when all his photos are with other women or his profile contains a lot of sexual references.

There really are some great people looking for love online but part of the science is developing the patience to weed through the ‘no’s’.

To your authenticity,

Love, Christine

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Ask the Expert: Am I Attracting Duds?


Question:Dear Christine,

I’m looking for Mr. Right, but keep meeting Mr. Wrong! Seriously, I feel like I keep on attracting duds. I know the perfect mate may not exist and compromise is a must, but how much should I be willing to compromise? My faith in the male species is slowly dwindling, their lack of chivalry, consideration and general lack of knowledge when it comes to what women want is discouraging and exhausting. I swear I meet all of the duds out there. The guys I meet are so high maintenance, needing so much direction in how to be romantic, or thoughtful…I feel more like their teachers then their equal. I wonder if this is because I’m dating guys that are too young (early 20’s) and maybe should be looking for more mature guys?

Please Help, Looking For My Equal

Answer: Dear Looking For My Equal,

First, relationships are not about compromise. Compromise means someone or both people in the relationship are making a sacrifice. Healthy long-term relationships are based on creating ‘deals’ where both partners feel they got the better end of the deal. For example, if something you need in a relationship is more chivalry than you actually say it very directly, “what I’d love is more chivalry.” It doesn’t stop there though. You will then give him examples of what chivalry looks like for you rather than making him guess – like does it mean opening car doors or walking you to your door, or both? Be specific. Then, the next time he expresses chivalry, you take time to acknowledge it. Men want to know what works for you and what makes you happy. I suspect that you have been giving direction but perhaps not expressing appreciation equally or maybe not seeing his unique forms of chivalry. Ask for what you need and then when you receive it, take time to appreciate it.

What might be coming off as ‘general lack of knowledge’ is more about his relationship history than it is about you. I want you to apply my advice but I also want you to try dating different types of guys. Mix it up a little bit. Make a point of going out with a guy you find attractive but you would never normally consider. From your question, it looks like you are dating a lot of the same type of guy.

Don’t lose faith in the male species, they really do want to see you smiling and happy…..they just want you to be more vocal on what makes you happy and what works specifically for you. Every woman is different so we can’t expect them to ‘just know’. ‘Just knowing’ comes over time in a relationship after a lot of open communication.

To your authenticity,

Love, Christine

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Ask the Expert: Are We Really “Just Friends”?


Question:I have a dilemma. There is this guy who I recently befriended and we spend a lot of time together. We consider ourselves to be just friends. He texts ME everyday, and due to our busy schedules, makes it a point to hang out with me every weekend (just as friends). He waits for me after work and is just an all around gentlemen. After a month of spending time with him, I started developing feelings for him and I told him that. I told him that I really cared for him and that I liked him, but that I couldn’t be in a committed relationship since I am trying to focus on graduating and establishing a life after college. When I asked him how he felt about me, he responded that he sees us just as friends. It was a mature conversation, and I told him I could accept that. However, he still continues to call me everyday and spend time with me. He even made me a 10 minute long video on Youtube for Valentine’s Day. I am SO confused!! He is showing all the signs of interest, without actually being interested (I think). Also, important to know: He is super Christian and has never dated. I am atheist and have had a few flings in my past, but I’ve been honest and told him about all of this. Could that be the problem? Can you explain what is going on in this crazy man’s head (Or maybe I’m crazy)?

Answer: Neither of you are crazy. It sounds like he is experimenting with being close to a woman. He has feelings for you and is interested for sure but is saving face because you told him you didn’t want a committed relationship first. He is also likely trying to balance his attraction to you with your conflicting religious beliefs. Given all of this, he is okay with not taking things to the next level (physical or otherwise), he just wants to be romantic. Let him do this. Let him treat you well. Then in a few weeks, check in with him, ask him how he is doing. Say, “you are treating me like I’m your girlfriend even though we are not dating – we need to define what is going on”. Don’t leave the conversation until both of you are clear.

To your authenticity,

Love, Christine

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Ask the Expert: Does Everyone Have Trust Issues?


Question:Okay, out of the 4 men I’ve just started talking to online (in the past 2 days), 2 of them dealt with trust issues in their last relationship. One guy’s wife cheated on him after 12 years of marriage. Another guy was in a 3 year relationship that ended because of trust and insecurity issues (don’t have the whole story).

Is this normal? Or do I have trust issues I need to work out / help others work out? From the last guy, Roger, I’ve learned I’ve got to trust my Self. Isn’t that enough?

Answer: Yes, in my experience, many people have trust issues. Totally normal. The problem we face is that we try to take it on as a problem in their history WE need to fix FOR THEM. Too quickly, we become a reluctant therapist when the goal in dating is just to start getting to know each other. Trust issues can definitely find a level of healing within a relationship but really, the issues need to be addressed outside of the relationship. The issues developed outside of this current potential relationship so need to be worked on outside. If you take it on yourself, you can end up tip toeing around, afraid to even look at another man without triggering a fight. Within reason, I would have an open discussion about what triggers him and within that discussion, talk about what triggers you. This is a fair and open way to discuss respectful behavior.

Not all men have trust issues. There are plenty of men who have committed to working through their stuff before trying to get into another relationship. And there are also plenty of men who are working on their stuff outside of the relationship with a coach or therapist so that it has little effect on the current relationship. They know it’s about them, not you, and they take this on.

To your authenticity,

Love, Christine

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Ask the Expert: Why Are Men Doing Things To Hurt My Feelings?


Question:Why does it always seem like men are doing things to hurt my feelings?

Answer: There is this assumption out there that men KNOW the right thing to do but are purposely being difficult or purposely doing things to make us mad or upset. Ladies, this isn’t true. Men wake up in the morning ‘hoping’ they won’t upset you. I want you to try this perspective on:Men always have a reason behind their behaviors.

Pause on that thought.

We can spend our days thinking that men around us are going out of their way to make our lives more difficult. It just simply isn’t true. This mentality is everywhere and really, we need to consider they might have a reason for everything they do. As I say, that is the cool thing about men, they always have a REASON behind their behavior but often don’t reveal it. Yes, this causes frustration for women. I heard a story once of 2 women and 1 man who were trying to book a business coffee meeting off-site. The man suggested they meet at a coffee shop near his house and automatically the 2 women were exchanging emails about how selfish that was and how come he couldn’t suggest a location a little more central for everyone. Then one of the ladies decided to just ask: “WHY, did you choose that particular coffee shop?” The man replied, “My wife has a heart condition and this coffee shop is the only place in the city that serves true decaf coffee. Since she is attending the coffee meeting with us, I wanted her to be able to enjoy a coffee too”

By simply asking a WHY question, a whole new perspective opened up.

So anytime you are feeling frustrated, I encourage you to move away from assumptions and move toward asking WHY.

To your authenticity,

Love, Christine

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Ask the Expert: Be An Authentic “Life of the Party”


Question:I attend singles events quite a bit and I feel like I’m trying and making an effort but I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. I went to 3 events last week and none of the men asked for my number.  I'm tired of not being the life of the party. I’m frustrated – what is going on?

Answer: I suspect you are coming up against a hurdle many singles face. You are going through the motions without any “emotion”. For example, let’s say you go to a single’s event and during your car ride there, you’ve already decided that you’re not going to meet any interesting men. So, you allow these thoughts to guide your night and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. You become the woman who is really, really good at signing up for events and you may think that is all it takes. That charge of signing up, needs to be carried through the entire event – you need to be happy to be there. Years ago, when I was hosting some singles events, I would see women gather in a corner and talk about how there are no single men in their town. Meanwhile another group of women that were open-minded and choosing to focus on fun, were surrounded by men. Ask yourself if the friends you attend singles events with have a negative influence on you. Are they the type of friends who are quick to point out the negative? Surround yourself with women who want to go to events and are committed to having fun regardless of whether they meet their future boyfriend/husband there. When you are at the event, be there, actually be there – not ‘I’m checking my phone every 10 minutes but I’m physically at the event’. That doesn’t count and that is what I’m referring to when I say going through the motions without emotions. I’d rather see women go to a singles event for 1 hour and fully engage, than 4 hours and be half-present. It keeps things both efficient and fun.

To your authenticity,

Love, Christine

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Ask the Expert: “But, We Had Potential…”


Question:Dear Christine, My boyfriend and I were together for 11 months. I truly believed we had potential.

Within the first 4 months, we had already broken up once as he said he did not think we were ‘soulmates’. Then we got back together. A month and a half ago, we broke up again (I broke up with him but it really doesn’t matter who broke up with who). He said he had wanted to break up all along. I really miss him a lot. Should I make one last try and tell him that I do miss him or is it really a lost cause?


Answer: Dear SB,

In a healthy relationship, you never have to convince the other person you are right for them. It is completely natural to miss him but what you miss is the ‘idea’ of him and the ‘potential’ of the relationship, not the reality. He has expressed that he wanted to break up all along. That comment alone should be the red flag for you to move on. Find closure within yourself, rather than looking for closure from him.

To your authenticity,

Love, Christine

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When We say Dress to Impress, We Don't Mean for Him


A tiny bit more care in appearance can have a huge impact in your dating life. The reason is that your body language and confidence changes when you wear clothes you feel more attractive in. This in turn increases your approachability because you are smiling more. Read on to learn about the importance of "dress to impress" when dating. You should dress however you want BUT not if it's in defiance. If you truly and authentically feel super confident and beautiful when you leave your home than wear THAT EXACT OUTFIT! It's when women start dressing in defiance, and almost dare men to be attracted despite not taking care of themselves that I have a problem with. The reverse would be if a guy just said I'm going to only wear my big grey sweatpants and bad tshirts all the time and then get mad that women don't think I'm attractive. Each gender needs to give a little BUT don't dress for the opposite sex, dress to make yourself feel good.

There is a potential theory dressing in certain ways  can make women less-approachable. Specifically, high-fashion, man-repelling outfits can cause a man to think "how am I going to handle that?". However, the problem is women forget the most important accessory, a Smile! Go for the high-fashion stuff if you are still being a considerate, approachable woman. What I know for sure is that men are attracted to femininity. However, femininity exists in many forms. For some men, it's the MadMen look, for other men, it's the summer dress, still for others it's Lulu's on a Saturday. Feminine beauty in it's truest form is very calming and soothing to men because they take in such an enormous amount of information visually. I've actually heard men say, "of all the beauties in the world, be it lakes, mountains, sunsets, nothing beats the female form". Whenever men describe who they are looking for to me, there is always an element of wanting a feminine woman to balance out their masculine ways. But again, for some men it exists in the wacky ensemble form so if you feel beautiful in that, do it.

Men also have the challenge of presenting themselves with the clothes they choose as well. What I've recommended to a lot of men is to call ahead to a particular store and book an appointment with an in-store stylist that will help them learn the difference between what looks okay and what looks amazing. To see a man come out of the change room in something that he feels amazing in is just fantastic. His entire body language changes. Also, to men, remember that women are easily grossed out so pay more attention to basic grooming. We love the fresh shower smell and clean breath. Figure what you can do (ie, breath spray and deoderant in your bag) if you're in a rush before meeting up with a girl.

To your authenticity,

Love, Christine

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3 Basic Steps in Approaching Women


We build up this inner dialogue on how we are not good at approaching women. The truth is, it is a learned skill that requires time.

Below are your Basic 3 Steps. Follow them and you will start to conquer your fear of approaching women.

#1 Passing Eye Contact

The first thing you need to get under control is comfort when approaching women. You need to get yourself to the point where you can walk up to a woman and start talking to her without turning into an emotional wreck.

If you're freaked out on the inside, it's going to be pretty hard for you to act "normal" on the outside. It's going to be even harder to try new things and use techniques if you aren’t able to relax a little.

Start to face your fear of approaching by just simply smiling at women. Not a big teeth smile but more of a smile with your eyes and subtly with your mouth. It’s like a smile that exudes an appreciation for her beauty and nothing more. You can do this as you walk by on the street. It’s refreshing for a woman. You will eventually get yourself to a spot where you will smile AND say “Hi” …but one thing at a time.

#2 Passing Eye Contact & “Hi” combo

Next, try to keep eye contact with a woman while you are smiling and then say “Hi”.

Again, you can do this as you walk by and you are going to commit to doing this A LOT until you beat your fear of women being unapproachable. A couple extra seconds of eye contact when saying “Hi” will do.

#3 Say something

Now try the next level. Go someplace like a coffee shop, grocery store or bookstore. At a coffee shop for example, most people need to visit the cream and sugar table. This is where you can have eye contact, then say “Hi”, then take a deep breath and make a comment or ask a question.

Keep it simple, comment about the environment or how much you love your morning coffee. You can do it! Don’t worry about starting a lengthy conversation; you are just wanting to progress from “Hi” and involve a few more words.

If she is responsive, ask her if she lives in the area or if she's visiting. Ask her what her name is -- simple stuff. Men worry about coming across as creepy at this point and as long as you are just being genuine and fun, she will enjoy the interaction while you practice your skills.

With practice, these 3 steps will aid you in overcoming your fear of approaching women. Try it out and let me know how it goes!

To your authenticity,

Love, Christine

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Winning At Online Dating With A Photo


If you are single and looking, online dating needs to be part of your repertoire. In North America alone, there are more than 50 million singles registered with online dating sites, making tech-romance an integral part of today’s culture.

When working with date coaching clients, the first thing I assess on their profile is their photo. They must receive an ‘A’ Grade or we can’t move forward. Yup, it’s THAT important.

Here are my recommendations on ensuring an ‘A’ Grade on your photo: 1. Go through all of your photos that have been taken within the last year. 2. Create a folder in your documents entitled, “ME FAVORITES”. 3. Put any photo of yourself in there that you like. Make sure they are just photos of you and no one else. There are some exceptions if you can cleanly cut out a friend who is standing next to you but you don’t want a picture of you with a random body-less arm around your shoulders. 4. If you don’t currently have photos of yourself, put a call out to friends or family members who might have photos of you on their camera. 5. If you have a Facebook profile, double check it to see if there are any good photos that might have been tagged of you. 6. Get every last picture you find organized into your “ME FAVORITES” folder.

Still no photos of yourself that you like? Book a time with a friend, family member or co-worker. Maybe there is someone in your network who has always been good at taking photos. If you still can’t think of anyone, go onto Craigslist and peruse the ads for photographers looking to build portfolios. You may even get a free session. With this said though: do-not-sign-up-for-a-cheesy-portrait-session. For the fun photo session, here are the tips: 1. Get dressed up in your favorite outfits and experiment with a few different looks. Try sassy, serious, fun, and approachable. Don’t be over the top with your poses. A great smile is most attractive. 2. Your aim is to get two good pictures, one a close up of your face and one a full body shot. It may take 60 digital photos before you find one you like, but make sure the one you select is a fair representation of who you really are. 3. Avoid wearing black. Wear red or have it in the background. This will really help your photo stand out. 4. Try various settings and lighting until you think you’ve really got it. 5. A good way to get a full body shot is to have your friend stand on a stool slightly above you so that you can look up toward the camera. Don’t look down; this isn’t flattering for anyone. 6. If you need to add a 3rd photo, make it an action shot of you hiking or biking or engaging in some activity outside of posing. 7. Please don’t use a webcam. 8. Don’t crop or scribble people out of your photos 9. Ladies, try not to pose with a baby in an effort to show how great of a mother you’d be (or are). That goes for you too guys, no posing with babies. 10. One last thing: Ladies, if you pose “pouty” or sexy, don’t get mad when men contact you just for sex. Men are only responding to your photo so be accountable for that.

Overall, you want your photo to be warm and inviting and show the authentic you. Don’t try to look like someone you’re not or don’t only post photos of you looking your absolute best.

And remember, our ultimate goal is to transfer you from online to offline dating.

To your authenticity,

Love, Christine

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The Shocking Truth About Men & Saying I Love You


Why are some men so guarded from saying "I love you?" You may be the type of person who is free with your “I love you's”. You say it to a friend after meeting them for a coffee or to your cousin every time you hang up the phone with her. Alternatively, you may be the type of person who is very selective with your “I love you’s” - you reserve them for just the right time in a romantic setting or only for your mother on Mother’s Day and even then it is only in a card. You may find you are somewhere in between the two.

Whichever type you are, both men and women have their own personal reasons for using or avoiding these 3 words in their everyday lives.

Speaking specifically about relationships and dating though, there is often a lot of pressure for a woman to hear “I love you” from a man. It’s often not intentional pressure but a woman tends to determine exactly where she stands and where this relationship is going based solely on these three words.

It is not the same for men. They do not have the same relationship with the words “I Love You” as women do. In a recent Pax workshop, a woman posed the question “Why can’t they just say ‘I Love You’?” A man replied, “Because it means more than that.” When a man is in love, it is very intense for him. Encapsulating these feelings into 3 simple, basic words doesn’t really make sense to him. It can almost be insulting to him because the depth of his feelings are much deeper than three words.

Sometimes the conversation can go like this:

Woman: “How do you feel about me?”

Man: pause, thinking, pause, maybe the first time he has considered it, pause, thinking

Woman: (in her head thinking about all the good or bad things that could come out of his mouth at this very moment and it seems like an eternity)

Man: “I care about you.”

Woman: "What the heck?! You CARE about me? What does that mean?!! I think we should end this right now because you obviously don’t feel the same way."

Man: Speechless and mystified.

You see “I care about you” to a man has the same weight as “I love you” does for a woman. The problem is when a woman is breaking up with a man, she will often say “I care about you BUT……” and usually it's followed with some bs line. This is why when sometimes when a woman hears “I care about you” from a man, she’ll immediately question if it’s bs.

When men were asked in the workshop what “I care about you” means when they say it, the men had these responses:

“It means you are the centre of my world.” “It means everything I do, I do for you.” “It means I would do anything for you, including die for you.”

I would say that sounds a lot like the feelings behind the words “I love you”, wouldn’t you?

Let me know, leave your comments below.

To your authenticity,

Love, Christine

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